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The College Funding Conundrum: Back to School - 529 Plans and 529 Plan Alternatives

September 25, 2018 @ 3:00 PM EDT

What's it all about?

For millions of American families, paying for college (even the thought of paying for college) presents a conundrum. This is due in part to the fact that many families are unclear regarding the rules for financial aid. Join Brock Jolly as he shares his extensive college funding expertise to make you the expert.

During the webinar Brock will show you…

  • How to maximize both need-based and merit based financial aid
  • The common financial aid formulas, historical college savings instruments, and resources and tools available to the advisor.
  • The financial aid process, college funding related problems, and strategies for solving these problems for families.

Many families’ savings consists of the equity in their homes and the value of their retirement plans. This is beneficial for retirement; but what about paying for college? Through this informative webinar you will have the answers for your clients and your own family. 

NAIFA Treasurer Brock T. Jolly, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CLTC, CASL®, CFBS®, RICP® is a financial advisor who specializes in working with families of college-bound students to identify, develop and implement strategies for saving and paying for college as part of a comprehensive financial plan. Since 2002, he has taught his workshop, “Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College” to parents through adult education programs, schools, community organizations, places of worship and businesses. This class has been taught thousands of times and in twenty-four states.

(This webinar has been approved for 1 continuing education credit in Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. CE approval is currently pending in other states. For the latest CE information concerning this webinar please contact Brendan Bernat at bbernat@naifa.org.)

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